Amy Glanville

 Amy Glanville, BSc (Hons), Dip.NT, MFNTP
Naturopathic Nutritional Therapist, Gong Sound Therapist & Reiki Practitioner

I offer several powerful healing modalities to assist you in increasing your vitality, health and wellbeing - please get in touch to book a free discovery call if you would like to explore which therapy is right for you at the moment.

Naturopathic Nutritional Therapy:
Having graduated from the School of Health in Stroud several years ago, I offer 1-1 individualised Nutritional Therapy plans for clients who really want to empower themselves with the tools and knowledge to improve their health and happiness through diet, supplements and lifestyle changes. Whether you are experiencing a particular acute health symptom or feeling like there is an energetic block, we take a deep dive into your health history and have a look at the root cause of your symptoms rather than looking to mask them. Our bodies communicate with us in many ways, and it is my belief that they have the innate power to heal themselves; it is our job to learn to listen to them and give ourselves what we need to feel in flow and in top health.
90 minute Initial Consultation - £95 ( you also receive a fully personalised health plan via email after this session)
45 minute Follow-Up Consultation (if required) - £50

Gong Sound Healing:
My connection with The Gong began a decade ago having had a powerful out of body experience when attending a Gong Bath for the first time. I believe the sustained Om tone and strong vibrations of The Gong connect us to the source, and can have a powerful cleansing effect on our energetic field. The resonance of the gong is created by layer upon layer of sound that blossoms into a ‘sound envelope’ around you, allowing you to enter a deep state of relaxation and a Theta brainwave state (deep meditation state). The vibration of the gong moves through the chakras, releasing stagnant energy in the physical, emotional and energetic bodies. When offering 1-1 or couples sessions with The Gong we work with an intention, and allow the vibrations of The Gong to amplify it. I also tailor the sessions to where you are at energetically on the day, allowing for the most healing potential for you.
60 minute session - £65

Reiki is an ancient Japanese form of healing with earth energy.
During a Reiki session, the reiki energies are channelled directly to you through your chakra points whilst you lay down and relax. These treatments are deeply connecting to the energy centres in your body, and the Reiki energy tends to go to where it is needed the most, whether you are aware of it or not!
During a session I invite you to lay down or sit comfortably, remaining fully clothed. You may feel sensations such as heat as the energy weaves its way into their energy field to restore harmony and balance. Treatments are suitable for almost every health condition, often bringing a feeling of relaxation and a boost of energy.
45 minute session - £50

Reiki with Sound Healing:
In this powerful sessions I combine the Reiki healing energy with the vibrational elements of Singing Bowls and Chimes to offer a deeply relaxing and restorative healing therapy. As with a Reiki session, I will invite you to lay down (fully clothed) whilst I channel the Reiki energy for your highest good. Depending on where you are at energetically on the day I combine various singing bowls, both crystal and Tibetan to aid in the cleansing of stagnant energy. These sessions are tailored to you.
45 minute session - £50

Education and Training:
Dip. Nutritional Therapy - School Of Health
Gong Master Training with Aiden McIntyre - Hawkwood College
Reiki Level 1 and Level 2 - Initiated with Karen Carmen
BSc Psychology - Bristol University

Accrediting Bodies:
FNTP - The Federation of Nutritional Therapy Practitioners
NNA - Naturopathic Nutrition Association (Associate Member)

For more information please go to my website or contact me to book