Sound Bath with Guided Relaxation.

Be immersed in an aural landscape and become calmer

Be guided by voice and the sounds of the crystal bowls into a deeply relaxed state of mind.

Just wear whatever is comfortable - we promise you won’t get wet!

During your sound bath you will lie in our dedicated meditation space, the Quantum Field, and be taken through a guided relaxation, using your breath and thoughts to release all the tension from your body. As your body relaxes so does your mind, and as your mind relaxes it begins to release the healing hormones serotonin, dopamine and oxytocin. Just when you think it can’t possibly get any better, you will be bathed in the beautiful sounds of crystal singing bowls. Within the vibrations of the sounds, time will disappear, and you may encounter waves of peace, heightened awareness, emotional healing, insights into your inner world, creative thoughts… or maybe even just the most restful sleep you have ever experienced!

Book a Guided Relaxation and Sound Bath

5pm sound baths are 60 minutes long. All other times are 30 minutes.

If you would like to book a private sound bath for a group of up to 8 people, please email

Our sound baths are designed to be gently relaxing, but sound affects people in different ways. 

Please read this information carefully. By booking you agree that a sound bath will be safe for you.

Why not try one of our incredible Sound Baths?