


This event will be held at : 14 QUEEN'S SQUARE ,BA1 2HN 

Join us for this inspiring workshop that will help women heal, recover, grow and empower themselves. Drawing from a unique combination of holistic ,shamanic ,and somatic practices that have helped to heal myself from past trauma and incorporating it with the foundations of 12 step work which have helped myself and millions of others to heal , this support group aims to heal and empower one another to reclaim their true self and to find their voice.

This workshop is suitable to those wishing to:

Wanting to let go off unheathy cycles of attachment

 Become more assertive and to establish clear boundaries

Free themselves from abusive relationships 

Prioritise their own needs and stop people pleasing in order to commit to their own healing

Heal from codependency 

Form awareness and free themselves from narcissitic abuse  

Break and recover from trauma bonds

Heal childhood / past trauma and connect with their inner child

Empower and discover the woman they were born to be

Find self acxeptance,  self trust and self love

Restore energy levels , release rage and trapped emotions

Become more creative, intuitive and find their spiritiual path 

Connect with other women on a healing path, listen to one anothers stories . form friendships  and support on another in their healing. 


Everyone in the group commits to keeping one anothers confidentiality a priority .

This group is alcohol and substance free

Call Ruth on 07908750534 to book your place! 

£15 ( £ 10 concessions ) if this is not affordable I can make further concessions.


For information on other therapies I have to offer visit my website www.minervahealing.com 

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Spring Reset Workshop

Spring Reset Workshop

Shake off winter and step into the vibrant energy of spring with Spring Reset, a workshop designed to support your body’s natural transition into the new season.

Through reflexology, nutrition and sound healing, you’ll learn how to gently cleanse, restore balance and feel lighter from the inside out." 

What’s included…


Join me, Jess, for a gut health reflexology session, where you’ll learn simple self-techniques to support digestion, ease bloating and help your body step into spring with ease! You’ll have a printed guide to take home so you don’t forget the routine, plus a pot of Songbird wax to use on your feet


Cally from Nutshell Nutrition will guide you through seasonal eating, explaining how to best support your body as we transition into Spring. Cally will be offering freshly made juices and nourishing snacks designed with ingredients to encourage your liver to gently cleanse and reset your system.

Sound Bath

Grace will host a 30-minute sound bath to regulate your nervous system and promote deep relaxation. The vibrations of the bowls activate the parasympathetic nervous system and encourage alpha and theta brain waves which are linked to deep meditation and REM sleep.


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Mini-Sunday retreat of self care with Sarah and the team

Mini-Sunday retreat of self care with Sarah and the team

"A wonderful restorative, self care day & experience. From the level of care received from each of the practitioners offering treatments & Sarah’s ability to hold space it was wonderful. The food was nourishing & delicious, the treatments were relaxing & rejuvenating. The day flows perfectly from one treatment to the next & you are given such care & attention. Perfect for a day to nourish your soul & get back to your centre"  A

Join us on the 23rd of March for a 5 hr day of self care and transformation. You will receive a lot of what you want and little of what you need. Let Sarah and the team take care of all your needs.

Location: 2 Hetling Court

Duration: 5 hrs

Price: £185pp

Sarah - 07508 303834


Click on the VIEW EVENT button to find out all the details

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Spring Equinox Celebration! 

Spring Equinox Celebration! 

Shamanic Healing and Drumming Workshop.  

7-8.30pm. The Soul Spa, ba11sh. 

Join us in this 90 min workshop of healing and transformation, as we welcome and honour Ostara ,The Spring Equinox, a time of perfect balance between night and day. The perfect time to  look at what we want to let go of and what aspirations we aspire to for the year ahead. 

We cannot control the chaos and destructive forces at play in the world around us but we can raise our own heart centred  vibration and send out ripples of love into the universe , sending healing and manifestation for world peace in these turbulent times. There is a huge struggle going on between love and fear across the globe. It manifests as wars , dictatorship societys, epidemics of addiction, mental illness and feelings of alienation and disconnection. 

As we release the layers of conditioning through 5 elements dance , immersing ourselves to the sacred beat of the drum and finding our inner voice through chanting and song we dissolve the ego, the barriers of seperation.and we celebrate our authentic selves, seeing each other in the raw magic of one anothers presence, beautiful, primal and  perfect exactly as we are. We choose love over fear again and again

We will be exploring how through unravelling our shadow side we allow ourselves to attract new positive experiences into our lives. As we chanel our kundalini energy and tap into this vital source of power we become powerful creators, catalysts, manifestors and healers. 

Talk on manifestation, manifestation meditation , 5 elements dance and short drumming session included. Sharing circle. 

No previous drumming experience needed. 

Bring a drum or rattle if possible  I do have a few spares. 

Bring a related, song or story if you wish to weave into the ceremony. 

There will be an opportunity to share what we feel we wish to let go of in our lives, what unhealthy patterns we wish to break, what is no longer serving us and to share what we wish to invite in , what our inner light chooses and what we are inspired by as part of our aspirations for the year ahead. 

Text Ruth on 07908750534 to book. 

£15 /£10 Concessions.  Or £10 each if you introduce a friend.  

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Learn the key reflexes to help you get a good sleep. 

I’ll take you through a sleep sequence to prepare your body for rest, teaching you reflexes involved in regulating your sleep-wake cycle and helping you drift off. We’ll then look at what time you’re most restless at night and work on the reflexes most active at that time.

After this, sound healer Grace Prince will host a 30 minute sound bath to help activate your parasympathetic nervous system and alpha and theta brain waves. These brain waves are associated with deep meditation and REM sleep. 

The workshop also includes a detailed guide of the sequence to take home and a pot of Songbird wax.

You’ll be working on your own feet, socks off is preferable but socks on is okay if you feel more comfortable. If you have any questions, please feel free to send me a message via my contact page.

Location: The Soul Spa, Bath
Time: 1 hour 30 minutes

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Drumming Circle and Shamanic Journey

Drumming Circle and Shamanic Journey

This event will be held at The Somerset Rooms ba1 2hn

Open to all. 7-9 pm .

Join us to celebrate Ostara , the approaching Spring Equinox! As we feel the energy of the season rising in our veins as in the earth we set our intentions for the year ahead and shed what no longer serves us. 

This is the perfect time to manifest what we wish to attract in our lives. We cannot change the chaos and destructive forces at play in the world around us but can raise our own vibration, which in turn sends healing ripples of love out into the universe. By focusing from the heart on what we wish to happen rather than putting our attention onto what we fear we can influence the outcome of situations to be for the highest good of all. 

Through surrendering to the primordial heartbeat of the drum we shed our layers of conditioning to unearth the creative, vital force of nature we were born to be.

As we immerse ourselves in its sacred rythms the gateway to our subconscious opens and we connect with our spirit guides and ancestors who hold powerful  healing medicine for us to acheive our spiritual purpose. 

Join us in celebrating this potent time of renewal and transformation, the perfect balance between light and dark, day and night . 

Sharing circle. 1hr drumming session, Shamanic journey.  

No previous drumming experience needed. 

Bring a drum or rattle if you have one. Bring a related poem, story or song if you wish. There will be an opportunity to share what we want to let go of, what is holding us back, what unhealthy cycles we wish to break and also what we wish to change, manifest and heal in our lives. 

Text Ruth 07908750534 to book .

£15/£10 Concessions.  £10 each if you introduce a friend. 

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Women's Drumming Circle

Women's Drumming Circle

Women's Drumming Circle .

Friday 28th February 7-9 pm at The Somerset Rooms , 14 Queens Square, Bath BA1 2HN

Do feel a calling ? A strirring in your bones that remembers a time long ago when women gathered in circles , shared stories , created magic , by celebrating the simple truth of their nature, 

A safe space where we can release the relentless demands imposed on us  by society to become more, do more , produce more , strive more. 

An unearthing of the surpression imposed on us  throughout the generations , which taught us to  silence our spirit, to ignore our intuition and numb our feelings. 

A place where through the resounding hearbeat of the drum, and through finding our inner voice through chanting,  we connect with our true self , with spirit and with one another in wild abandon , unchained and unmasked.

In these circles we create powerful medicine , not only for ourselves but for our ancestors and our children. 

The need , the calling in our DNA to return home is timeless and eternal. As we return to our true nature we reclaim our power, become powerful catalysts, sewing seeds of our inner light in the dawn of a new level of conscoiusness. 

 Never has it been more imperative at this pivotal point in human history that we reclaim our power and stand in our own truth, brave , liberated and free.  We are the change and the time is now.

Join us to celebrate our sacred circle of sisterhood , bring a drum. Also a story , poem or song if you wish  to weave into the ceremony. 

£15 or £ 10 concessions

Call Ruth on 07908750534 to book. 

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Sophrology~Take a pause with Marie-Marthe Blanc

Sophrology~Take a pause with Marie-Marthe Blanc

Take a pause with Marie-Marthe Blanc

Join a small gathering to experience for the first time a Sophrology Session at the Soul Spa in Bath!

What can you expect from the session?
Marie-Marthe Blanc, qualified Sophrology Practitioner based in Bath, will guide a 20-minute practice, where all participants will sit with their eyes closed or a low gaze.
Her voice will invite you to dive into your inner world through a body scan, followed with breathing techniques, some gentle body movements and a guided visualisation using the power of your imagination.

Sophrology is a simple yet highly effective way to get back into the driver’s seat of your life – become in control of how you react to what life throws at you.
Novel in the UK, it is widely used in France and Switzerland and has been prescribed by GPs for decades.

Saturday 1st February, 10-11am
I will welcome you at the Soul Spa at 10am so that we have enough time to settle you all into the room, located on the first floor (not wheelchair accessible).

Who is it for?
Suitable for all physical abilities.
This session is for adults only.

What to wear?
No specific outfit required, just come as you are : )

What to bring?
If you have one, a notebook and a pen to write about your experience after the practice – I will explain more about this before we start. If you don’t have one, no worries at all.

How much does it cost?
Reduced price as part of the festival: £12 per person.

To Book ; ReBalance Bath Wellbeing Festival - Sophrology Group Session | Marie-Marthe Blanc

Any questions, please just let me know at hello@mariemartheblanc.com

See you there!

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Shamanic Healing and Drumming  workshop

Shamanic Healing and Drumming  workshop

As we approach Imbolc the first day of spring it is time for us to release the shadows of winter and embrace new beginnings .- 

As winter draws back her veil

The blackthorn blooms

The birch blood begins to rise under the wolf moon

Embrace your dark feminine the wild heart within

From deep womb of the earth 

The first stirrings of spring

Through the sacred beat of the drum and guided by poetry inspired by my.own healing journey we enter a state of altered consciousness  whereby the gateway opens and we connect with our ancestral roots and spirit guides. 

During this 90 minute transformational workshop we will be exploring  our shadow side , our repressed emotions , memories , behavioural patterns , negative traits that are often buried in the subconscious. Some through our conditioning we are taught to repress and others too painful or uncomfortable for us to acknowledge. Their roots often lay in our upbringing or through trauma and may have been passed down through generations. 

Only by accepting and embracing the shadow side can we release it and bring it into the light.

By doing this we allow ourselves to let go of unhealthy patterns of behaviour and to attract more positive energy into our lives.

Through ceremony and a guided meditation we will begin to actively release these negative traits that no longer serve us .

Through drumming and chanting we connect with those deeper parts of ourselves, our wild indominatable spirit and embrace our darkness

Through breathwork we release and are guided gently back to a grounded , centred state connecting with the heart chakra . 

Bring a drum or rattle if you have one as I have limited availability. Feel free to bring your own related poetry or song that we can weave into the ceremony . All welcome. 

Call Ruth on 07908750534  to book your place. 

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Learn the key reflexes to help you get a good sleep. 

I’ll take you through a sleep sequence to prepare your body for rest, teaching you reflexes involved in regulating your sleep-wake cycle and helping you drift off. We’ll then look at what time you’re most restless at night and work on the reflexes most active at that time.

After this, sound healer Grace Prince will host a 30 minute sound bath to help activate your parasympathetic nervous system and alpha and theta brain waves. These brain waves are associated with deep meditation and REM sleep. 

The workshop also includes a detailed guide of the sequence to take home and a pot of Songbird wax.

You’ll be working on your own feet, socks off is preferable but socks on is okay if you feel more comfortable. If you have any questions, please feel free to send me a message via my contact page.

Location: The Soul Spa, Bath
Time: 1 hour 30 minutes

To Book- Schedule Appointment with THE RE:BALANCED

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Take a Break from the Holiday Hustle: An Emotional Self-Care Workshop for Christmas

Take a Break from the Holiday Hustle: An Emotional Self-Care Workshop for Christmas

Christmas is meant to be a time of joy and togetherness, but for many women, it also means taking on the emotional labor of keeping everyone happy. You’re juggling family dynamics, endless to-do lists, and the pressure to make everything perfect. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed, emotionally drained, and like you’re running on empty.

The Struggle to Be Merry: How Emotional Overwhelm Drains Your Holiday Joy

Does this sound familiar? You’re putting on a brave face, but inside, you’re struggling with frustration, anxiety, and even resentment. You push your own needs aside while taking care of everyone else. And while you’re doing your best to stay “merry and bright,” those unacknowledged emotions keep piling up, making the holidays more stressful than enjoyable.

Pause and Reset: Practical Tools for Emotional Self-Care This Holiday Season

This 90-minute Emotional Self-Care at Christmas workshop is designed for women like you—those who do it all for everyone else and need a moment to recharge emotionally. Led by a certified Emotions Coach, this session is the perfect blend of self-reflection, emotional support, and soothing relaxation.

- 60 minutes of interactive exercises: Learn practical tools for managing your emotions, journaling prompts for processing feelings, and group discussions that offer real insights.

- 30-minute sound bath: Release tension and soothe your soul with a calming, immersive sound experience to wrap up the session.

You’ll leave feeling lighter, more centered, and equipped with strategies to manage the emotional demands of Christmas.

A Lighter Holiday Season: What You’ll Learn

  • Recognize and honor your own emotions amidst the holiday chaos.

  • Shift from overwhelm to calm using simple, effective emotional tools.

  • Experience the power of a shared emotional space with other women.

  • Take away a toolkit of self-care practices you can use throughout the holiday season and beyond.

  • End the session with a deeply restorative sound bath to help you relax and reset.

Ready to Give Yourself the Gift of Emotional Self-Care?

Join us for this empowering, restorative workshop and step into Christmas with more emotional balance and peace.

Book Your Spot Today! Spaces Limited.

Get tickets

Practitioner Bios

Claire Fitzsimmons:

Claire is the Co-founder and Co-director of If Lost Start Here, an ICF Accredited Coach, and Emotions Coaching Practitioner.

Claire has contributed pieces on mental health and emotional well-being to Liz Earle Magazine, Long Reads, The New York Times, The Independent, Anxy Magazine, Mother, UpperCase Magazine, and Good Therapy, amongst others. Her work has been featured in Stylist, Muddy Stilettos and The Slow Living Guide.

Claire writes on Substack under More Good Days.

You can find details about Claire’s practice and working directly with her here.

Grace Prince : 

Grace Prince is a Sound Bath Practitoner at The Soul Spa, Bath, host of the ‘How To Be A Healer’ Podcast and a Reiki & Tarot Practitioner at Bath Holistic Massage, Bath. Grace has been trained by some incredibly talented teachers, including the Reiki Maya Centre London for Reiki 1&2, SLC Astrology School, Tamara Driessen for Tarot Training, TBM for Manifestation, and Anoushka Florence for Women's Circle Training.

This workshop takes place at The SoulSpa in Bath.

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Shamanic Healing Workshop

Shamanic Healing Workshop

Join me on this journey of inner revelation and transformation , inner release leading to deep peace. 

" The kingfisher darts round my aching heart,

Wraps me in his cloak of splendour, 

Spellbound by his beauty my pain turned to tranquility,

Into his medicine I surrender" 

Through the sacred beat of the drum and guided by poetry inspired by my own personal ,healing journey we enter a natural state of ecstatic altered consciousness whereby the gateway opens and we connect with our ancestral roots and spirit guides. 

The first half of this 90 min workshop will be focusing on how we protect our energy and auric field, through power practices and breathwork. We will embark on a sacred,  drum-led,   journey to discover our indivodual power animal and what protective medicine it has for us. This will be followed by a chakra balancing power retrieval meditation. 

The second half shall encompass an ecstatic release of our inner primal spirit as through drumming and chanting we connect with deeper parts of ourselves . 

Through breathwork we are guided gently back to a grounded, centred state , connecting with the heart chakra. ❤️ 

One lucky participant who books will win a FREE SOUND BATH to have when they want. 

Call Ruth  on 07908750534 to book.

I am a fully qualified an FHT accredited Shamanic Practitioner. 

Just £15 or £10 concessions . 

Visit www.minervahealing.com for more information on other therapies I have to offer. 

Wed 27th November 6.30-8pm 

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Gong & Crystal Bowl Sound Bath with Lucia

Gong & Crystal Bowl Sound Bath with Lucia

Sunday 18th August

10.00 am

75 minutes - £30 introductory price

The last Sunday of every month.


This will begin with a meditation, setting intentions and then being bathed with sound from both singing bowls and gongs.

From Lucia Miniewska:

 I hold space for my clients so they can claim their balance back and connect with themselves. I am offering an opportunity to stay present in a moment and connect with ones higher self. I had a privilege to study sound healing under Sheila Whittaker. It has been my dream for ten years and the universe put her on my way.  In my opinion gongs are one of the most powerful therapeutic instruments, and when skilfully played they provide the entry point to self recovery and they can change the time and locality. They have been used since the Bronze age. The gong is the gateway to heightened states of awareness and consciousness. It is a brilliant tool to reduce stress, stimulation of the glandular system and to clear up emotional blockages.

Magic happens when there's no separation between the gong, the listener and the player - the door and windows open to one's soul and moving around energies create unforgettable experiences. It actually often happens and we need to cultivate that feeling as it strengthens the connection with our soul.  Gong is a medicine of our times.

I experienced its powers on myself and when playing for my clients and I can say with full confidence this is the future of healing.

Frequency + intention = healing

Inspiration from Sheila's book. "Sound healing with gongs"

Please secure your spot by clicking here : Gong Sound Healing — The Soul Spa

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Soul Spa Workshop - Sophrology & Sound Bath

Soul Spa Workshop - Sophrology & Sound Bath

Take a pause with Sophrology Sessions

Don't let overwhelm consume your beautiful energy. With this workshop, you will gain tools for life to better manage your daily stress and cluttered mind. 

Sophrology is a simple yet very effective way to be back in charge. You are always in control of how you react to what life throws at you.

Fairly recent in the UK, it has been widely used in France and Switzerland, prescribed by GPs for decades.

What can you expect from the workshop?

🪷 1 hour of Sophrology led by me Marie-Marthe Blanc, qualified Sophrology Practitioner based in Bath. 

The workshop will start by describing what Sophrology is and how the method can help. 

I will then guide a 20-minute practice where you will ideally have your eyes closed or a lower gaze if you prefer. 

During this practice, my voice will invite you to dive into your inner self through a body scan, then I will also combine some breathing techniques, gentle body movements and a guided visualisation using the power of your imagination.

After bringing you back, you will be welcomed to draw or write down a few notes about your experience & share this with the group if you wish.

Throughout the workshop you will be welcome to ask as many questions as you wish.

🪷 30 minutes of Sound Bath led by the enchanting Grace Prince to connect with your deeper self through the sounds of 7 crystal quartz bowls. You will come out of the sound bath ready for your evening at home or anywhere else, feeling relaxed and lighter.

A few things to consider:

Sophrology does not require any specific outfit, just come as you are.

As part of the workshop, you will be given as a gift a notebook to take home with you, and this will be used if you wish to write down about your experience following the practice.

In case of any questions, please feel free to contact me at hello@mariemartheblanc.com

Looking forward to meeting you in November!


Thursday 14th November at 18h30 (1h30 duration in total)


The Soul Spa - 2 Hetling Court Bath BA1 1SH

How much?


What to bring

Nothing, just you and your curious mind

Book here : www.mariemartheblanc.com

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Learn the key reflexes to help you get a good sleep. 

I’ll take you through a sleep sequence to prepare your body for rest, teaching you reflexes involved in regulating your circadian rhythm and helping you drift off. We’ll then look at what time you’re most restless at night and work on the reflexes most active at that time and which may have a slight imbalance. 

After this, sound healer Grace Prince will host a 30 minute sound bath to help activate your parasympathetic nervous system and alpha and theta brain waves. These brain waves are associated with deep meditation and REM sleep. 

The workshop also includes a welcome kombucha, a detailed guide of the sequence to take home and a pot of Songbird wax.

You’ll be working on your own feet, socks off is preferable but socks on is okay if you feel more comfortable. If you have any questions, please feel free to send me a message via my contact page

The experience lasts 90 minutes.

£35 per Ticket

To Book- Workshops — THE RE:BALANCED (therebalanced.com)

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Gong & Crystal Bowl Sound Bath with Lucia

Gong & Crystal Bowl Sound Bath with Lucia

Sunday 18th August

10.00 am

75 minutes - £30 introductory price

The last Sunday of every month.


This will begin with a meditation, setting intentions and then being bathed with sound from both singing bowls and gongs.

From Lucia Miniewska:

 I hold space for my clients so they can claim their balance back and connect with themselves. I am offering an opportunity to stay present in a moment and connect with ones higher self. I had a privilege to study sound healing under Sheila Whittaker. It has been my dream for ten years and the universe put her on my way.  In my opinion gongs are one of the most powerful therapeutic instruments, and when skilfully played they provide the entry point to self recovery and they can change the time and locality. They have been used since the Bronze age. The gong is the gateway to heightened states of awareness and consciousness. It is a brilliant tool to reduce stress, stimulation of the glandular system and to clear up emotional blockages.

Magic happens when there's no separation between the gong, the listener and the player - the door and windows open to one's soul and moving around energies create unforgettable experiences. It actually often happens and we need to cultivate that feeling as it strengthens the connection with our soul.  Gong is a medicine of our times.

I experienced its powers on myself and when playing for my clients and I can say with full confidence this is the future of healing.

Frequency + intention = healing

Inspiration from Sheila's book. "Sound healing with gongs"

Please secure your spot by clicking here : Gong Sound Healing — The Soul Spa

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Shamanic Healing Workshop

Shamanic Healing Workshop

Join me on this journey of Self discovery and transformation. 

During this 90 min workshop we will explore the origins of Shamanism, journey to connect with our spirit guides , manifest our desires through 5 element kundalini dance/ drumming and earth chants and create a vision board of what we want to manifest in our lives! 

Bring your own drum or rattles if you have one not essential) and an object of spiritual significance to put on the altar. 

Through the sacred beat of the drum we enter a natural state of ecstatic altered consciousness whereby the gateway opens and we connect with our ancestral roots and spirit guides, Through chanting from the heart we intensify the experience and connect with deeper parts of ourselves. You are gently guided back to a grounded , centered state focusing on the breath and connecting with the heart chakra. 

Shamanic Healing can restore our energy levels, release trauma, connect us with our spirit guides and what medicine they have for us and realign us with our true spiritual purpose . 

£15 ( £10 concession rate)

Call Ruth on 07908750534 to book your place now. !!

I am a fully qualified and FHT accredited Shamanic Practitioner. 

Visit www.minervahealing.com  for more information on this and other therapies I have to offer. 

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Gong & Crystal Bowl Sound Bath with Lucia

Gong & Crystal Bowl Sound Bath with Lucia

Sunday 18th August

10.00 am

75 minutes - £30 introductory price

The last Sunday of every month.


This will begin with a meditation, setting intentions and then being bathed with sound from both singing bowls and gongs.

From Lucia Miniewska:

 I hold space for my clients so they can claim their balance back and connect with themselves. I am offering an opportunity to stay present in a moment and connect with ones higher self. I had a privilege to study sound healing under Sheila Whittaker. It has been my dream for ten years and the universe put her on my way.  In my opinion gongs are one of the most powerful therapeutic instruments, and when skilfully played they provide the entry point to self recovery and they can change the time and locality. They have been used since the Bronze age. The gong is the gateway to heightened states of awareness and consciousness. It is a brilliant tool to reduce stress, stimulation of the glandular system and to clear up emotional blockages.

Magic happens when there's no separation between the gong, the listener and the player - the door and windows open to one's soul and moving around energies create unforgettable experiences. It actually often happens and we need to cultivate that feeling as it strengthens the connection with our soul.  Gong is a medicine of our times.

I experienced its powers on myself and when playing for my clients and I can say with full confidence this is the future of healing.

Frequency + intention = healing

Inspiration from Sheila's book. "Sound healing with gongs"

Please secure your spot by clicking here : Gong Sound Healing — The Soul Spa

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CALM & REBALANCE workshop by Jess of The RE:Balanced

CALM & REBALANCE workshop by Jess of The RE:Balanced

Learn how to use Reflexology to help calm your anxiety.

During the workshop, I'll guide you through a sequence that will support your body during stressful times, this will include showing you reflexes to help calm cortisol and adrenaline production and support your vagus nerve. We will then be moving on to key reflexes for three common physical manifestations of stress - tight chest, tension in your neck and shoulders, and bloating.

You'll receive a handout with the sequence on and a pot of Songbird Wax too. Be prepared to get your feet out during the session as we work through the reflexes. This is a safe space and all feet are welcome - no matter if you're self conscious about your toes, toenails or hard skin!

After this, you'll be treated to a 30-minute sound bath healer Grace Prince from the Soul Spa to help you unwind and reach an ultimate level of relaxation.  

If you have any questions or would like to chat, please use the contact form. Otherwise, you'll find the booking button below and I look forward to seeing you there!

To Book :

Workshops — THE RE:BALANCED (therebalanced.com)

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Introduction to Shamanism Workshop

Introduction to Shamanism Workshop

Introduction to Shamanism workshop:

We will explore our ancestors connection to the earth as we learn about this oldest spiritual practice known to mankind.

Drawing from these ancient teachings we will embark on a journey of self discovery as we seek to connect with our spirit guides.

Discover your power animal and what medicine they have for you on this 90 minute workshop at the Soul Spa hosted by fully qualified practitioner Ruth Brown.

To book contact Ruth on 07908 750534

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Gong & Crystal Bowl Sound Bath with Lucia

Gong & Crystal Bowl Sound Bath with Lucia

Sunday 18th August

10.00 am

75 minutes - £30 introductory price

The last Sunday of every month.


This will begin with a meditation, setting intentions and then being bathed with sound from both singing bowls and gongs.

From Lucia Miniewska:

 I hold space for my clients so they can claim their balance back and connect with themselves. I am offering an opportunity to stay present in a moment and connect with ones higher self. I had a privilege to study sound healing under Sheila Whittaker. It has been my dream for ten years and the universe put her on my way.  In my opinion gongs are one of the most powerful therapeutic instruments, and when skilfully played they provide the entry point to self recovery and they can change the time and locality. They have been used since the Bronze age. The gong is the gateway to heightened states of awareness and consciousness. It is a brilliant tool to reduce stress, stimulation of the glandular system and to clear up emotional blockages.

Magic happens when there's no separation between the gong, the listener and the player - the door and windows open to one's soul and moving around energies create unforgettable experiences. It actually often happens and we need to cultivate that feeling as it strengthens the connection with our soul.  Gong is a medicine of our times.

I experienced its powers on myself and when playing for my clients and I can say with full confidence this is the future of healing.

Frequency + intention = healing

Inspiration from Sheila's book. "Sound healing with gongs"

Please secure your spot by clicking here : Gong Sound Healing — The Soul Spa

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Introduction to Shamanism Workshop

Introduction to Shamanism Workshop

Introduction to Shamanism workshop:

We will explore our ancestors connection to the earth as we learn about this oldest spiritual practice known to mankind.

Drawing from these ancient teachings we will embark on a journey of self discovery as we seek to connect with our spirit guides.

Discover your power animal and what medicine they have for you on this 90 minute workshop at the Soul Spa, hosted by fully qualified practitioner Ruth Brown.

To book contact Ruth on 07908 750534

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Goddess & Light Being Workshop

Goddess & Light Being Workshop

A study of amazing Goddesses - The Avalonians of Avalon, Mary Magdalene, The High Priestess of Alcyone (Pleiades) and Gwendoline of Saiph (Orion)

A study of amazing Light Beings - Isis Egypt (Sirius), Merlin, Odin and Osiris

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Kids' Sound Bath (0-7)

Kids' Sound Bath (0-7)

Come join us at The Soul Spa for a magical experience tailored just for the little ones! Our Kids Sound Bath is the perfect opportunity for children aged 0 to 7 to relax, unwind, and immerse themselves in soothing sounds. This in person event will captivate your child's imagination and provide a calming atmosphere for them to enjoy. Let your little ones explore the world of sound healing in a safe and welcoming environment. Don't miss out on this unique experience designed especially for our youngest guests!

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Gong & Crystal Bowl Sound Bath with Lucia

Gong & Crystal Bowl Sound Bath with Lucia

Sunday 2nd June

10.00 am

75 minutes - £30 introductory price

The last Sunday of every month.


This will begin with a meditation, setting intentions and then being bathed with sound from both singing bowls and gongs.

From Lucia Miniewska:

 I hold space for my clients so they can claim their balance back and connect with themselves. I am offering an opportunity to stay present in a moment and connect with ones higher self. I had a privilege to study sound healing under Sheila Whittaker. It has been my dream for ten years and the universe put her on my way.  In my opinion gongs are one of the most powerful therapeutic instruments, and when skilfully played they provide the entry point to self recovery and they can change the time and locality. They have been used since the Bronze age. The gong is the gateway to heightened states of awareness and consciousness. It is a brilliant tool to reduce stress, stimulation of the glandular system and to clear up emotional blockages.

Magic happens when there's no separation between the gong, the listener and the player - the door and windows open to one's soul and moving around energies create unforgettable experiences. It actually often happens and we need to cultivate that feeling as it strengthens the connection with our soul.  Gong is a medicine of our times.

I experienced its powers on myself and when playing for my clients and I can say with full confidence this is the future of healing.

Frequency + intention = healing

Inspiration from Sheila's book. "Sound healing with gongs"

Please secure your spot by emailing ‘hello@thesoulspa.co.uk’.

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Gong & Crystal Bowl Sound Bath with Lucia

Gong & Crystal Bowl Sound Bath with Lucia

Sunday 25th February

10.00 am

75 minutes - £30 introductory price

The last Sunday of every month.


This will begin with a meditation, setting intentions and then being bathed with sound from both singing bowls and gongs.

From Lucia Miniewska:

 I hold space for my clients so they can claim their balance back and connect with themselves. I am offering an opportunity to stay present in a moment and connect with ones higher self. I had a privilege to study sound healing under Sheila Whittaker. It has been my dream for ten years and the universe put her on my way.  In my opinion gongs are one of the most powerful therapeutic instruments, and when skilfully played they provide the entry point to self recovery and they can change the time and locality. They have been used since the Bronze age. The gong is the gateway to heightened states of awareness and consciousness. It is a brilliant tool to reduce stress, stimulation of the glandular system and to clear up emotional blockages.

Magic happens when there's no separation between the gong, the listener and the player - the door and windows open to one's soul and moving around energies create unforgettable experiences. It actually often happens and we need to cultivate that feeling as it strengthens the connection with our soul.  Gong is a medicine of our times.

I experienced its powers on myself and when playing for my clients and I can say with full confidence this is the future of healing.

Frequency + intention = healing

Inspiration from Sheila's book. "Sound healing with gongs"

Please secure your spot by emailing ‘hello@thesoulspa.co.uk’.

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