Carolina Aguillon

Carolina Aguillon

I am an Argentinian Astrologer and a Psychologist currently living in the UK, dedicated to interpreting different aspects of life from a psycho-astrological perspective.

Astrology came as a wonderful discovery to me at a very difficult time and during the past 12 years it has become my passion, helping me to learn valuable lessons and tackle life with a fresh approach. This has truly given purpose to my existence as I now want to gain a deeper understanding of others and how to help them also.

As other esoteric disciplines, it is an art and a science, a system of symbols that allow us to "read" energetic qualities. A personalised astrology report is an excellent tool that leads us to self-knowledge, personal realisations and a higher evolution of consciousness.

Astrology takes into account the influence and the energy of different astral bodies, such as the Sun, the Moon and the planets of our Solar System.

 A Natal Chart shows exactly how the planets were at the exact moment of our birth and each planet has a specific archetypal energy that is directly linked to us.

The chart connects us to our essential self; who we really are and what we must learn in this life. It is a key tool for self-knowledge and spiritual growth.

Astrology is about time and place in a certain position and alignment of the planets, which open windows of opportunities despite any surrounding external factors.

Since I combine my knowledge as a professional astrologer with my degree in Psychology, I'm able to provide people with more exact and comprehensive reports.

In every reading, I put all my experience into practice to be as precise, accurate and relevant as possible.




  • Clinical Psychology degree in Palermo University- Argentina

  • Professional Astrologer degree- Escuela Zona Norte - Argentina

  • The Sun and Moon symbolise two very basic but different psychological processes that operate in every human being.

    The Moon 🌙 relates with our most basic emotional responses in all situations the sign that it’s in can tell us a lot about where we find comfort and where we feel safe.

    It represents the dynamics of our Emotional world.

    In this seminar we will first look at the 12 different Moons and at the end we will allow interactive time with each person to look at their moon and understand it fully.

    We will also explore our Inner child and what does she/ needs! ✨

    I am passionate about helping you understand your moon and your loved ones too! I also do specific reading for children so this is ideal

    for mums that want to understand and relate better with their little ones.

    Duration: 2 hrs £35.

    No previous astrology knowledge needed.

    I will need in advance Date, hour and place of birth so I can have your chart ready for you !

    Looking forward to seeing you there !

    I am an Astrologer with more than 15 of experience and have a degree in Psychology I dedicated my life to study different holistic therapies and the reading I do help

    to interpret different aspects of life from a psycho-astrological perspective.