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FREE Be Activated introductory workshop for runners with Emma Marcello, Tuning in Physiotherapy

Who is the workshop for?

  • Runners of any experience – injured or uninjured! - wishing to understand more about how their body works as a whole.

  • Runners open to a less conventional and holistic way of looking at the body and improve performance, flow, and new solutions to overcome and prevent injuries and pain.

  • This will be great if you’re preparing for the Bath Half in March!

During this one-hour session I will introduce the Be Activated system, including

  • The 1-2-3 concept. Our body’s role is to keep us alive- its main priorities being breathing and moving. When we are in an ideal 1-2-3 pattern of movement we are moving efficiently and in the flow.

  • Most of us have patterns of compensation (often linked to injury and pain). These patterns are useful for a while to protect us and keep us safe and moving, but not so helpful in the long term! Through muscle testing, I’ll demonstrate on a volunteer what a compensatory pattern is.

  • We will practice activation points to get our diaphragm and breathing, our psoas (hip flexor) and our glutes to fire up! You’ll learn how to practise these on your own, a handy new skill for you to take home.


  • What exactly is muscle activation? Practically it involves massaging/rubbing certain points in the body – these are also known as neurolymphatic reflex points. We’ll do a simple mobility or strength test before and after to see what effect the activation is having.

  • What to wear? Regular / fitness clothes, anything that doesn’t restrict movement (avoid tight jeans if possible).

  • Any questions and to register: email me or Whatsapp 07723103385

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