Who is the workshop for?
Runners of any experience – injured or uninjured! - wishing to understand more about how their body works as a whole.
Runners open to a less conventional and holistic way of looking at the body and improve performance, flow, and new solutions to overcome and prevent injuries and pain.
This will be great if you’re preparing for the Bath Half in March!
During this one-hour session I will introduce the Be Activated system, including
The 1-2-3 concept. Our body’s role is to keep us alive- its main priorities being breathing and moving. When we are in an ideal 1-2-3 pattern of movement we are moving efficiently and in the flow.
Most of us have patterns of compensation (often linked to injury and pain). These patterns are useful for a while to protect us and keep us safe and moving, but not so helpful in the long term! Through muscle testing, I’ll demonstrate on a volunteer what a compensatory pattern is.
We will practice activation points to get our diaphragm and breathing, our psoas (hip flexor) and our glutes to fire up! You’ll learn how to practise these on your own, a handy new skill for you to take home.
What exactly is muscle activation? Practically it involves massaging/rubbing certain points in the body – these are also known as neurolymphatic reflex points. We’ll do a simple mobility or strength test before and after to see what effect the activation is having.
What to wear? Regular / fitness clothes, anything that doesn’t restrict movement (avoid tight jeans if possible).
Any questions and to register: email me emma@tuningin.co.uk or Whatsapp 07723103385