Save our Soul Spa!

The noise generated by the ‘Ring of Steel’ roadworks that are currently being carried out by Bath and NE Somerset Council close to the Soul Spa means that we have had to take all our Monday to Friday day-time sound baths off the timetable. Bath Council has told us that the roadworks could last up to 8 months. For the first three weeks of June our income has dropped to below 10% of what it was before.

Despite having written and appealed to the council on several occasions, they are simply not interested in providing any compensation to the Soul Spa to ensure it can survive this activity. Our staff are losing their jobs and Bath may lose a gentle, nurturing space that welcomes locals and visitors to the city to relax and focus on their mental wellbeing. We believe we provide a vital support for people’s mental health at a time when people really need it.

How can you help?

If you enjoyed the time you spent with us and would like to help to save us, please take a couple of minutes to write to Lynda Deane at CityCentreSecurity@BATHNES.GOV.UKto express your support for us. If you have more time, feel free to tell Lynda what the Soul Spa has meant to you, or how important the independent businesses of Bath are if that is your preferred focus.

If you are willing, please follow us on on Instagram, The Soul Spa on Facebook or LinkedIn and share everything we post to bring everyone’s awareness to this issue. I may even get around to using Twitter for this issue!

It goes without saying that if you are not interested there is no need to do any of the above, I only ask because I have given my heart and soul to this business, I believe it serves our community and visitors well, and I have to do everything I can to save it.

Thank you for reading and thank you even more if you take any action at all to help to save us.

Warmest wishes

Madeline and the Soul Spa team

PS We are still running sound baths every day 30-minutes at 5pm and 60-minutes at 6pm, another way you can help is to book and tell your friends about them if you can :)