Sophie Murch

I am enthusiastic about igniting the fire and full potential within all of us. I have experience and high level knowledge of body movement after working in the health and fitness industry for over 13 years as a personal trainer, Chinese massage therapist, reflexologist and yoga teacher, specialising in pregnancy yoga and reflexology. I encourage a lifestyle supporting physical and mental wellbeing and aid clients to achieve optimal health and homeostasis within themselves.

My health journey then progressed into understanding the human psyche, behaviour and developmental psychology through formal study of psychology and counselling as well as astrology. I work one on one with people and their astrological birth chart to uncover their strengths, weaknesses, purpose, and how to express their personalities in the most advantageous way. I specialise in marriage and relationship astrology.

Tui Na uses various hand, thumb and elbow techniques through a cotton sheet to work and release tight muscles, ligaments, tendons and open up the meridians, which are energy systems within the body. The cotton sheet is ideal for creating friction, heat and pin pointing an area on the body for best results. Tui Na works best for those experiencing pain and discomfort from old injuries that haven’t been able to heal properly and releasing tight muscles, to internal issues such as indigestion or blockages. Most patients feel relief not just physically, but a cleansing, relaxing and calming state of mind and body afterwards. The ancient Chinese meridian theory includes channels and trigger points on the body we use to release blockages and stimulate organs, nerves and muscles. These channels are connected throughout the body and also correlated to emotions and determine the body’s inner environment and constitution. Traditionally the doctors in China use Tui Na along with cupping, herbs, acupuncture and acupressure to treat patients in the hospitals and clinics.

Reflexology is based on the concept that there are zones and reflex areas in the feet and hands, which correspond to all glands, organs and systems of the body. A 'finger & thumb walking' technique is used to apply on and off pressure along with massage techniques to activate the parasympathetic nervous system. The pressure to these reflex areas may help to reduce stress, which promotes physiological changes in the body. Since reflexology treats the whole person, not the symptoms of disease, most people benefit from treatment. Reflexology has a history of good results in treating many conditions such as stress and anxiety, headaches, insomnia, digestive issues, joint and muscle pain, menstrual issues, fertility, pregnancy and post natal recovery. Reflexology is a very safe treatment and is suitable for all ages.

Our natal astrology chart is a snapshot of where the planets were at the exact moment in time and space when we were born. The influence the aspects and planets have on us, as apart of the universe, gives us a blueprint for our personality and life lessons. Our upbringing, epigenetics, life events, free will and people in our live can also determine how we express our chart or personality. Also, as we grow, mature and transits of the planets to our natal chart affect us, we will also change and develop our personalities. We are multilayered, complicated, contradictory beings and our personalities are very complex, so if we can try to understand them it can make life a little easier, and help us become the best version of ourselves, let alone help native any inter-personal conflict or crisis we are going through. We can align the planets with the zodical signs to understand the archyetypes. Each of us have all 12 archtypes within our psyche, and each chart is uniquely different and will express theses in different ways and in different areas of our lives. For example we all have Venus somewhere in our chart, weather it’s our chart ruler, conjunct our ascendant, or conjunct Pluto, we all have a psychological need to relate, and look for someone or something to partner up with. Venus is the planet of love and relationships and looks for a partner to mirror ourselves and learn from. To understand how the planets affect our psyche we can look to the example of the moon (the planet of reflection as it doesn’t generate its own light, it reflects it to us form the sun). The moon physically affects all water on earth, including the tides and women’s cycles. Most people can relate to ‘feeling’ different on a full, new moon or eclipse. Now if we understand being affected by the moon physically and mentally, we can imagine what affect much, much bigger planets like Jupiter and Saturn can have on us. Our natal chart (personality) is just one part, we then have the ‘owner’ of that chart and that can also be referred to as our soul, higher self, conscious self, and the space where we can be observant and objective from, to view our personalities from a detached state of awareness. The Buddhist philosophy of ‘attachment brings suffering’ comes to mind with this outlook. Synastry, or relationship astrology is putting two charts together to understand how two people trigger, affect and relate to each other. Then there are composite charts, which is a new chart created when two people have been together a while and can even be described as the ‘relationships’ chart’. During a reading we also look at transits, progressions and solar return charts which gives us knowledge about where the planets are now and how they are affecting you and your life. Weather you are going through a major life event, turning point, career change, relationship problems, or just want to understand yourself on a deeper level, astrology can be used as a tool to facilitate this.