Villy Tichkova

Villy Tichkova

Villy is a classically trained homeopath; She studied for three years with The School of homeopathy and one more year with The Welsh School of homeopathy where she graduated in 2018.

She has been inspired in exploring her own health and the larger question of personal growth and development for many years and before the homeopathy training she obtained an Honours degree in Psychology here in England.

Villy originates from Bulgaria and came to the UK seventeen years ago.

Having grown up with many books around her, Villy is very passionate about stories and studied a yearlong course in Western mythology and story telling with The School of Myth in Devon. She love stories, myth and fairies tales, and is in awe by the power they have to awake, inspire and uplift ones life and imagination. Villy believes that true healing comes in a gentle and permanent fashion and we ought to avoid working though pain, whether that is emotional or physical. She perceives health and cure as a dynamic process rather then a stagnant state we ought to aim for; therefore strongly advocates for the search for joy in the process, be that in self-discovery or healing.

Villy has also had a lot of experience working with children and young people. She loves the process of interaction and sharing, helping to inspire young people to find their place in the world. Saying that, Villy find each of her patients fascinating and feels honoured to have the privileged to witness the sheer bravery it takes to be human.