Virginia Mora


What is LNT® La Nueva Terapia ?

LNT® La Nueva Terapia is a quantum healing therapy that recalibrates imbalances on 3 levels: physical, emotional and spiritual. 

Our health is greatly impacted by emotional and karmic traumas that we endure during our lifetime or that we inherited from our parents.  This method channels the universal life force to restore our wellbeing. 

What can be treated with LNT® ?

Potentially all types of physical pain, diseases, chronic illness, stress, depression, anxiety, menopausal symptoms, addictions, skin conditions, allergies, infertility, etc.

The overall ongoing success rate is 80% 

Animals can also benefit from the therapy.  Remote sessions are an option as well as group therapies.

If you are following any traditional medical care treatment you should continue to do so, LNT®  fully supports the progress and study of medicine and science.

 What happens during a session? 

Treatment can last up to an hour, it is received laying down or standing and it involves some hands-on interaction.

Every patient’s experience is quite unique. You may or may not experience sensations (hot, cold, shivers) or an outburst of emotion (cry, laugh).  It is quite common to have involuntary physical movements. Some patients have a more subdued or calming experience.  You will however be constantly monitored to ensure your safety at all times.

 Healing may be immediate or could require further sessions.


Who is Philippe Schwiderski ? 

 He is the founder of LNT®,  and has been successfully working with the method in Spain for over 30 years.  Here you can find out more:

I became a fully Trained Therapist LNT®  in October 2023 and I am now pioneering the method in Bath at The Soul Spa.  If you would like to know more or would like to discuss how I can assist you please use the contact form or call 07716313568.

 Each in person session costs £60 and includes a follow up call to discuss your progress.  An initial telephone assessment is free of charge.


Please enquire for distance healing rates.


     Virginia Mora


“ Discard the false belief that there is separation between spiritual and material life” Paramahansa Yogananda