Shamanic Healing
Shamanic healing is a deep, transformative method of energy healing that works directly on the energetic root cause of issues that can manifest physically, emotionally, psychologically, or spiritually. Shamanic healing combines releasing and restorative energy healing methods (soul retrieval, cord cutting, channelling healing energy, extraction, colour, regression, ancestral healing etc) with sound weaving (voice, drum, rattle etc) to remove blocks, negative patterns, limiting beliefs, negative attachments and much more. Supporting us to move forward by releasing the energetic imprints that hold us back or have an impact on our lives. Through restorative action, shamanic healing brings powerful healing energy to areas in need of nurturing and helps to replenish life force by reuniting us with lost parts of our essence, reigniting inner strength, vitality, and natural energy flow. A shamanic healing awakens our inner healing potential & works towards restoring personal power, reconnecting us deeply to ourselves and our true potential. Restoring us to a state of balance and wholeness.
People come for shamanic healing for many reasons common examples are fatigue, lack of motivation, stress, anxiety, depression, addiction, trauma, abuse, P.T.S.D, grief, physical health conditions, loss of direction or purpose, alienation, low self-esteem, lack of self-confidence, relationship issues, guidance, feelings of being lost or disconnected and for support during times of change. Shamanic healing is very effective for persistent, reoccurring issues of any kind.